Why worldviews are important

Most people state things about the world without saying why they say those things. We do not know their worldview. A lot of misunderstandings and disagreements happen because we don’t know other people’s worldviews.

For example, at a town meeting Tony wants the city council to spend money on a new student art program and Susan wants that money to go to a new park. They will argue. They will present facts. They will try to appeal to the council members’ emotions. But they will not openly try to understand each others worldviews or the worldviews of the council to understand why they might want to give money to an arts program or a park.

Tony and Susan will not ask, “Honorable Members of The Council, could you tell us what you know, have experienced, and value in the world that might be relevant to your decision?” With this information Tony and Susan would give the best and fairest proposals. Their request is obviously impractical. Also, it’s difficult to express your worldview. I’ve found it difficult to do and I’ve only written a small part of mine.

Why I am writing my worldview

I’ve started writing here because I don’t know what I cared about. I care about my family and Judaism. I say I care about other things but I don’t actually do much for them. I feel like something is missing.

When I read manifestos or other bold statements about the world I am shocked by their over-confidence. Those authors almost don’t seem to realize that their worldview is very particular to them. Even if their worldview is shared by a lot of people, even if a lot of people like that worldview, it is still a narrow worldview in the history of the world and it will eventually change or die out. [My wife tells me “that’s just the kind of thing a manifesto would say”.]

I’m hating on these people, but they have found something they care about. I might not have the same confidence in my worldview, but maybe by writing it and writing about it I can learn more about myself and find what I care about.

My worldview

Now. Don’t wait. But I must come back.